Customer Review: Not impressed
I had hoped for more. I wore these daily and I got more out of walking in a good pair of flip flops. Not for me. Lisa in Alabama
Customer Review: Great for Long Walks
These insoles are so comfortable. Even on long walks, my feet don't hurt. I don't know about the anti-cellulite aspect, but they would work for anyone who is on their feet a lot.
If you are reading this article you must have experienced this scenario at some point in time: You are standing there talking to your boss, a customer, or perhaps it is a crowded room full of people and you feel the slow creep of your bra strap as it starts slipping down off your shoulder...what do you do? Do you "adjust" yourself in public by reaching into your shirt and putting that wayward strap back up onto your shoulder? Or do you suffer through the minutes waiting till you have a private moment to step out of the way and put it back?
There are many solutions to solving FBSS (Falling Bra Strap Syndrome). I would first recommend you follow the advice of bra fitting experts and make sure you have the correct size bra, since once you have exhausted the wide range of expert advice your alternatives become limited. Some women convert all of their bras to racer back styles, tighten their straps up so much that they create a dent in their shoulder, wear only sports bras, or stop wearing bras altogether. For some women the problem is solved by a custom fit bra. However, none of these solutions worked for me, so I would use hair barrettes, rubber bands or safety pins to join my straps together to prevent another outbreak of FBSS.
Given the fact that I have found over 15 different items out there that offer solutions for either hiding bra straps or stopping bra straps from sliding, I would say that we are not alone in failing to find a solution through conventional expert advice. So, with all the choices available today, how do you decide which one to choose? It may not be as simple as it seems. Here are seven questions to ask yourself to find a product that will work for you.
1. How often do you need it? You may be one of the lucky women who only suffers from FBSS with on rare occasions. With all the different styles of bras on the market, some fit better than others and they never slip, but as we wash them (and for some dry them, even though we are not supposed to) the straps start to stretch. You could use these products to extend the life of those bras that you love and wear over and over again. Or there may be that one sleeveless top you like to wear, but don't really want to show your bra straps to the world!
2. How flexible are you? Many of the products on the market today require you be able to reach the middle of your back to get the product ON and IN place, something most women can't do on their own. However, some of the products can easily slide into place before you put your bra on, or easily slide into place. In other cases be sure you've got someone there to help you.
3. How tight do you want to pull your straps together? Some of these products pull your straps so that they meet in the middle of the back, others allow more room between the straps. What will be most comfortable for you? If you don't like racer back bras or sports bras, you may want one of the products that leave more room between the straps.
4. Plastic or Fabric? The Fabric style of bra strap holders are usually just like your regular bra strap and will leave more room in between the straps. There are also some plastic versions of this same style. Other plastic versions come in a two varieties: a hard plastic piece in a variety of colors that is roundish in shape and pulls the straps all the way together; or a very flexible plastic that is breathable and moves with you.
5. To see or not to see? Most of these products are not designed to be seen and are only meant to go on your bra straps to hide underneath your clothing. However some of the products may work for your tank tops and swimsuits as well and allow you the opportunity to dress up tank tops with some jewelry on your back.
6. How much to spend? The cost on these vary tremendously; some you can buy just one and some you have to buy in packages of 3 or even 6! They range from $3.50 to $15.
7. Are they guaranteed to work? If there was one single solution to any problem guarantees would not be necessary, so look to see if the product is guaranteed for customer satisfaction.
For a listing of all the options I have found to stop your bra straps from sliding by adding to your existing straps, you can go to:
or post a comment on the blog. Whatever solution you decide on make sure it is the right one for you. And if the first one does not work out, try some of the others until you find one that works for you.
Lara Merriam-Smith is the inventor of the Bra Barrette a fashionable new accessory that everywoman needs in her wardrobe to help stop their bra straps from slipping. Find them at
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