Customer Review: Worth every penny!!!!
Bought these after foot surgery and broken metatarsal in foot. They are a little strange to get used to, However soooooooo worth it!!! My hips used to hurt so badly, these shoes force you to stand straight and keep your hips and body aligned properly. What an amazing feeling....I can stand for hours and not feel fatigued. Definately watch the training video that comes with the shoes for great tips on how to use. This is the most expensive shoes I have ever bought. If they come out with some cute clogs, I'll gladly spend it again. Note: The podorthist said she has been wearing hers for over two years and they still looked great and continued to do the job!!
Customer Review: Good Walking Shoes
I am always searching for a pair of good walking shoes. Since I have flat feet, it is important that I wear proper shoes that will help me walk longer distances. I first saw these funny and interesting looking shoes on the feet of a shop floor assistant. I asked her about the shoes and she explained how she spends long hours standing and walking, and had reached a point when she was ready to quit her job. Then she discovered MBT, and she said that they helped her a great deal. I was a little skeptical when I heard her story, and decided to look it up on the Internet, and went to a couple of shoe stores to check out. Everybody gave very good references. I decided to give these shoes a shot and got a pair. The minute I wore these shoes, I felt the difference. I had ample padding and cushioning for my feet. I decided to buy the shoes, and on the very first day I walked about 3 miles...an unheard of thing for me since my feet start to hurt after a mile. It is has been a week since I got these shoes. I feel a bit sore, but it looks like this is an expected by-product. The bottom-line is that I am able to walk longer distances. I need to go back to the shoe store to have them check my gait, and improve it. This way I will be able to get the full benefit of these shoes. They are a bit expensive, but worth it since they improve your quality of life.
Every now and again I take a look in my wardrobe and declare it... BORING!
This probably happens more often than I'd care to admit, but that's just life I suppose. On these all to common occasions, I tend not to get too down in the dumps, rather, I take it as an opportunity to revamp not only my wardrobe, but myself a little as well, as it doesn't hurt to pamper yourself.
My most recent declaration to my wardrobe resulted in a shopping trip at the end of which I was the proud owner on a half dozen (new) funky clothing labels, most of which I'd never heard of before, and one in particular that I'd bought from a mainstream catalogue, albeit online. Before searching their site, I'd never have associated them with the term funky, let alone the big branded labels that they had on offer. All in all a pleasant surprise.
Another pleasant surprise was a very helpful body shape advisor, which went on to offer specific clothes for my 'Curvy' figure (and I thought I was unique!). Having an idea about my body shape was one thing, but being presented with clothes for my specific body shape was another. It was a very pleasant being able to browse, knowing that the clothes I was being offered would flatter my curves sympathetically.
At the moment, I'm really comfortable with my funky and quirky new clothes, even though I know I'll be bored with them in about three months time. I can heartily recommend shopping online for fashions, because whether your looking for established fashion designers or some new funky clothing labels, you'll find them all online, and don't be shy about checking out some of the big shopping catalogues, who are surprisingly in touch with the latest brands and labels.
Wherever you shop and however funky you decide to be...Happy Shopping.
Breathe life into your wardrobe with some funky clothing labels from some unlikely favourites online. Browse the best offers, the best brands and the best advice from the most respected and innovative names in Catalogue and Home Shopping. For up to 20% off first orders and our pre-sale notification promise, head to the best Catalogue and Home Shopping site in the UK.
MBT Boots
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